today I baked and I decided for an ancient Sicilian recipe: Pizza and Potatoes.
In SIcily we use to name it "Scacciata" because it is a closed pizza and it seems it was crushed.
It is very good and you can decide to add what you prefer.
Here I explain to you how to prepare the Dough.
Here are the ingredients and the steps. You can find the video recipe in my Instagram page (my profile - highlights) or in my YouTube channel.
The Dough
500gr = 4 cups Flour
300ml Water
3gr = 1/2 tbsp Yeast
10gr = 1+0.5 tbsp Sugar
10gr = 1 + 0.5 tbsp Salt
15ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil
The Stuffing
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Red Wine
Grated Parmesan Cheese
Black Olives
The Dough
in a bowl place the Water (warm water), the Yeast and the sugar. Mix and leave for few minutes. when you see some little bubbles on top, it means it started and it is ready to use. add the Extra Virgin Olive Oil
In another bowl place the flour and start mixing, adding the water mixed with the yeast and the salt.
leave the dough for 15 minutes and after start doing the folder (you can see my tutorial in Instagram page or in YouTube channel)
repeat it for 3 times every 15 minutes
leave the dough for 3 hours
when the dough is ready, roll it out, stuff with the potatoes, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, chopped Cheese and Grated Parmesan cheese
cover it with another piece of dough and spread on top Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
bake 380F for 30 minutes
The Stuffing
in a frying pan place the Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the chopped Onion, the sliced Potatoes, the salt, Red Wine, some water, herbs and cook for 20 minutes
Add the Black Olives and it is ready for the Pizza
Buon Appetito!
So Far So Cook