the best way to start the week? A dessert!!!
It is a simple dough with very simple few ingredients.
The origins of the Bigne' are from Italy and then they arrived also in France; the name Bigne and Choux are French.
Choux means Cabbage because the shape of Bigne is similar to a Cabbage.
You can use them as dessert, stuffed with a sweet cream (today I prepared them with Lemon cream) or salted with cream cheese or tuna cream etc, for your appetizers.
Here are the ingredients and the steps. You can find the video recipe in my Instagram page or in my YouTube channel.
1/2 Liter Water
200gr/ 7/8 cups Lard or Butter
400 gr / 2+1/2 cups Flour
12 Eggs
Boil the Water with the Lard/Butter
Add the Flour and start mixing very well
Cook again, very slowly, for 10 minutes, mixing
Stop cooking and let it cool down
Add the Eggs, one at time until the dough absorbs them
Finally, prepare your Bignes shape, using a sac a poche, and placing them in a baking pan
Bake them, 450F for 10/15 minutes
Cool them down and stuff them as you prefer.
Buon Appetito
